Vortrag in Hartmannsdorf

Liebe Freunde unseres Vereines! Gestern durfte ich vor ca. 80 Personen wieder über unseren Verein und unsere Ziele berichten. Es war ein sehr lebendiger und gelungener Abend. Bedanken möchte ich mich bei den Schülern der HS Hartmannsdorf, die einiges über ihre Projektwoche über Tansania berichtet haben. Weiters bei der Gemeinde, die mich unterstützt hat sowie…

By josef.windisch 24. March 2012 Off

Invitation to the Grand Opening in July

Dear friends of PAPA-Bridge, The springtime is coming closer and many of you will start planning their vacation time in summer. So this year we would like to invite you to our Grand Opening celebration of the Vocational Training Center in Kilema/Tanzania on July 7th 2012. We are planning to spend some days onsite in…

By walter.koch 18. March 2012 Off

Visit of the project in January 2012

Dear Friends of P.A.P.A Bridge, A few weeks ago we sent you the inspection report of my recent trip to the village Kilema. Today, I would like to pass on further details via special photos of my trip to Tanzania at the end of January 2012. The main focus of the trip was the dedication…

By walter.koch 3. March 2012 Off

CONTAINER Event 2012

Dear friends of PAPA-Bridge, We are really happy to report, that the second container has left Austria to be shipped to Tanzania by January 30th. This time the focus was based on collecting the infrastructure for the vocational training center we are building. So, this shipment was a very important puzzle piece on our way…

By walter.koch 20. February 2012 Off


  Dear Friends of P.A.P.A – Bridge! I would like to share with you the experiences and interesting travels of my trip to Kilema,Tanzania to our project of the occupational school (Vocational training centre). Download: Besuchsbericht_Juli_2011 1) The most important mission of this trip was to get to know the nominated Director Mr. Pius Kessy and…

By P.A.P.A Bridge 11. October 2011 Off